clariti® 1 day

  • Upgrade your patients to silicone hydrogel. It’s the right fit for comfort, sharp vision and ocular health.
Product specs


  • The high Dk/t of silicone hydrogel, now as affordable as 1 day hydrogel
  • Delivers up to 3 times the Dk/t of 1 day hydrogel contact lenses2
  • Provides 100% of the oxygen the cornea needs3 for whiter4, brighter eyes for your patients
  • Supports excellent, all-day comfort
  • Built-in UV blocker1

The breathability of 1 day SiHy. Priced like 1 day hydrogel.

Offer your patients high breathability and surprising value.

With clariti® 1 day contact lenses, you can offer your myopic and hyperopic patients the benefits of 1 day silicone hydrogel (SiHy), while saving them from the high cost commonly associated with other 1 day SiHy lenses.

Now you can switch your frequent replacement SiHy patients to the convenience of the 1 day modality without sacrificing the breathability their eyes are used to…

…and upgrade your 1 day hydrogel patients to the most breathable soft contact lens material…

…for a price that’s just as affordable as 1 day hydrogel lenses.

Offer comfort that lasts all day.

In addition to correcting their myopia or hyperopia, your patients will experience excellent comfort at insertion and throughout the day.

  • High water content (56%) combines with WetLoc™ technology to support excellent all-day comfort
  • Entire lens surface stays continuously moist throughout the day
  • Built-in moisture is evenly spread throughout the lens and mimics the moisture dispersion of naturally healthy eyes

The high breathability of 1 day SiHy, priced like 1 day hydrogel. Offer your patients the lens that offers more – clariti 1 day contact lenses from CooperVision.


1.Warning: UV-absorbing contact lenses are not substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear, such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses, because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. Patients should continue to use UV-absorbing eyewear as directed.

2. Based on manufacturers’ published data. clariti® 1 day has Dk/t of 86. Compared to Proclear® 1 day (Dk/t 28), 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST (Dk/t 25.5), DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus® (Dk/t 26) and Biotrue® ONEday (Dk/t 42).

3. Brennan, NA. Beyond Flux: Total Corneal Oxygen Consumption as an Index of Corneal Oxygenation During Contact Lens Wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2005;82(6):467-472.

4. clariti® 1 day offers whiter eyes than 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST. Data on file, CooperVision.

5.Single-site, dispensing, bilateral wear, open label, 1-week, daily wear study. CooperVision, data on file.

Product Details

Material / H20 content
somofilcon A / 56%
UV protection
Replacement schedule
Daily Replacement
Oxygen transmissibility
86 Dk/t (at -3.00D)
Revenue carton size
30 or 90 - pack
Base curve
8.6 mm
14.1 mm
Sphere power
+ 8.00 to -10.00
(to +/- 6.00 in 0.25 steps)
(from +/- 6.00 in 0.50 steps)
UV Protection
UVA/ UVB = 72% / 98%